Bumped into an old friend.
Just yesterday I bumped into an old friend in a forum that I was attending.
In the past, he and I were very good friends.
At one point in my life, we were on the phone every day for hours.
We joked, talked and teased. And in those moments, I felt like he was a good close friend of mine.
We weren't from the same school so I dare not assume that I was his good close friend. But due to my lack of good high school experiences, he felt like a good close friend to me. This is something I never said to him.
However, at this age, I always felt our friendship would go on and on.
Although nothing terrible happened to our friendship but time and distance took its toll.
We just got so caught up with our lives, dreams and goals that we spoke less and less. And soon, we spoke none at all. Years passed and we were out of each other lives.
When I saw him, it felt a little unreal. I recognized him. But he looked different. Somewhat older and taller. We smiled at each other. At that moment, I realized that I knew nothing about him now. And the same as he with me.
We asked each other what we were doing now. What we studied. The usual catching up of old friends.
And as we spoke, his mannerisms were still the same. Almost anyway. And in those moments, it felt like he wasn't any different. But yet, when I look at him, I knew that things have changed. Just like I am different with who I was in the past. I knew that he must have changed too.
I think it's a little crazy to speak with old close friends. There's a sense of both connection and disconnection.
Connection because in the past, you shared a deep bond and in a way, know them well at that time.
Disconnection because you don't know what has happened since then.
But of course, the disconnection can be fixed by connecting more and speaking to each other more.
I just think it's crazy to see a friend whom you shared so many secrets with last time. It's like a memory from the past.
Although the me of that past no longer exists, I would still love to continue our friendship.
I also asked him if he kept in touch with other friends from our time.
He shook his head.
But he mentioned a few names and it felt like a memory flash. Because my oh my, I haven't spoken to that person in years.
But it's always good to hear and to know that they are all doing well.
I am glad for them.