Mental Health
Let's talk about mental health. Alot of people have been in a lockdown and it must affect some of us. Personally, I have always been someone who gets anxious pretty easily. Hence, even before the lockdown, I downloaded some apps to help with my mental health. Initially, I downloaded youper. I even paid for the premium one because the free version was so limiting. You can go the Youper website here to download it. This app is available in both ios and android. Yes, be aware that the free version is very limiting. How is it? I been using it for a while. Some days it's helpful. Other days it isn't. I generally just use it as a place to vent my frustration sometimes because it has the AI chat. However, sometimes it doesn't help because as AI chats go, they aren't very smart. But checking in each day, to rate how I feel has helped me realise that emotions are a very fickle thing. When I was younger, I value emotions very highly. Maybe because I...