Being an apple fan

As you can tell from the previous post, I bought a MacBook Pro and it has arrived. I'm actually typing this from it, just to test the typing experience because everyone has mentioned the love for the keyboard.

But this is not about that. Maybe I'll do a review once I got to use this laptop more. This is about me being an apple fan. I know that I love apple products but I always thought the love was just for the iPhone. Years ago, Steve Jobs put out the iPhone and I was one of the people who saw that and went wow, I love that. I want that.

But of course, I never got an iPhone until quite late. That doesn't really matter though. To be honest, when I really think about it, I'm not quite sure what pushed me into getting the MacBook Pro either. 

I was thinking about getting a new laptop anyway because the laptop that I was using was definitely just pissing me off. I mean, it was lagging a lot. The laptop wasn't even that old but because of it's pretty bad lag, I didn't really do much with it. I just scrolled the internet with it and watched videos. I occasionally typed on it but that was just occasional.

I wanted a laptop that I could really use. A laptop that could allow me to do things that I wanted. Whatever it is that I wanted. 

Due to the covid19, my travel plans for this year got cancelled. Lucky for me, I managed to get back all the initial money that I put out for accommodation and flight for one of my bigger trips. Accommodation was due to my quick thinking because when I booked, I made sure it was only to be paid on a much closer date to my trip. But since I cancelled the accomodation booking, no money was lost.

The flight on the other hand was a different experience. I already paid for it. But luckily, I bought travel insurance. I called my travel insurance and luckily for me, they covered trip cancellation due to covid19. So I just cancelled my flight. The flight company didn't refund me much so I got most of my refund from the travel insurance.

Since I didn't spend anything for my travel, I thought I could use the money to buy a laptop. I just needed to add a little bit more money to the flight money refund that I was receiving and I could get a laptop.

A friend said, why not get a MacBook Air. I definitely entertained that thought. The MacBook Air price was .....interesting. It wasn't high high. But for that kind of money, I know I could definitely get a really good windows laptop.

As I researched more, I realised that the MacBook Air wasn't really useful. I wanted a machine that could really work. So that didn't really fit my need. Then, my friend changed their recommendation. Now, they said, why not get a MacBook Pro then. 

I looked at the price. And it was high.

But at the same time, a part of me thought, since I'm not travelling, I might as well because any other year, I would travel and I definitely will not be able to afford it. 

To be honest, I never even realised that I wanted a MacBook. I always joked that it would be nice to have it. But that's because I wanted the holy trinity. To me, at that time, the holy trinity was the MacBook, the iPhone and the iPad. At that point, the Apple Watch and the AirPods didn't exist yet. 

I really thought hard on whether I should buy the MacBook Pro. I discussed it with friends and family. I know I'm being bit extreme but I wanted to know if I was, well, overspending without a reason or if I was justified. Would it be a good investment?

But a friend reminded me that, if I wanted it and if I could afford it, why not? It didn't matter. She knew I was an apple fan so she probably just thought that I wanted it but was looking for justification. It hit me that I should just get it. Obviously, I must want it or else, I wouldn't be going around trying to justify the cost. 

Just like that, I bought it. Now, it's here in my face and I'm using it. I'm also really excited about it.

This is also when I realise that I'm excited because the MacBook now represent all the possibilities that I can do with it. It makes me so excited that it makes me motivated. I really want to start all kind of projects. 

I want to write. I want to video edit. I want to take pictures.

I like this excitement. It's been a while since I feel like this. Motivated to start new things. 

Since last year, I felt stuck in a rut. I was doing the same thing over and over. Work. Rot. Work. Rot.

I didn't work on much personal goals or anything so I did feel abit like a failure for not achieving any goals. 

Worse of all, I didn't have any motivation to try to change anything. Everything felt somewhat heavy.

Then the new year started, and I was trying. I was reading. I was working out again.

And then the covid19 started. So that stopped the working out. But I still read so that's still good. The covid19 wasn't all bad, I managed to get some rest in once I got used to the new routine of working from home and started watching more shows to relax instead of just rotting. 

I know buying a new product shouldn't give me this much joy but it does.

This somewhat gives me a fresh feeling and perhaps the new start that I needed all along.

I think I understand what people mean by retail therapy now. But for me, it only work on gadgets because I need it to represent all the things it could do for me. I'm hoping this laptop would last 5-10 years though. 

So what I'm trying to say, I never even knew that I wanted a MacBook but I guess being an apple fan, I actually secretly do. And now, I have it. That just makes me aesthetic.

Although I already bought the MacBook, I ended up watching reviews on YouTube because I wanted to see what people would say. I know it's not important. I mean, I already bought it. So I ended only watching the good reviews. Biased? Yea, I know. But I guess I just want to feel validated.

So I bumped into this youtuber who is an apple fan. This is where I agree with him. As apple fans, we just love apple because they make a solid product. It works great and it's also beautiful. 

You can tell he loves apple a lot by how he gushes over some of the products and I can see why. It's just well made. It's just so smooth. The user experience is just a positive one. This is why so many people will go back to apple over and over again. Once you get into the apple ecosystem, it's just hard to get out because nothing will look as good or be as smooth ever.

But of course, I'm speaking for myself.

Not everyone likes apple and that's totally fine.

Every time apple vs android comes out, it's always an ugly fight.

As usual, android lovers will call apple fans sheeps for just following the apple cult while apple fans will scream and just be apple snobs. It's ugly on both sides really.

I love apple but I won't shit on android because people can have personal preferences.

Let's take the iPhone for an example. Why do I love it? It's because of the IOS. I love that it's simple, clean and easy to use.

Personally, android is too cluttered for me. 

But at the same time, for people who like customisation, android would be better because well, you can customise. As for apple, you can't customise how it looks like but if you were an apple fan, you wouldn't want it customised either.

Therefore, just from this one point alone, you can see that different people have different preference. So there really is no point for shitting on any of the OS. 

And since I have another new apple product, I think you can simply say, my love for apple only solidifies. 

I won't be gushing about the MacBook in this post because well, that's for another blogpost. 

And so, I'm an apple fan and I'm really proud for being one.

People have said that I should work for apple because I do a good job in promoting their product. Well, I can only promote it because I love it. 

Yea, people who want to know what iPhone to buy usually come up to me and ask me. Yea, I'm that kind of apple fan.


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