First time being out since lockdown
So I finally went out for the first time since the lockdown, it was definitely an interesting experience.
My lockdown experience started later than most people. Since I was essential worker, for the first month of the lockdown, I still had to go to the office.
But the whole March - April was such an insane period. I went to office every day. Then the rules changed because my supervisor was trying to keep me safe and it changed to going to the office every alternate day. It changed again when April came because finally, I had all the company system remote access. So from mid April onwards, I begun working from home.
So technically, I haven't left my house since April.
It was definitely a weird experience.
Did I miss being outside? Did I miss enjoying the cup of matcha latte in a nice cafe? Absolutely.
But at the same time, in my head, there's a tiny little alarm that goes, it's not quite safe yet.
And that's true.
The vaccine isn't here yet.
Luckily the shop wasn't packed and they adhere to social distancing so that made me feel a lot better.
I'm also still fortunate to live in a country where the covid19 is being handled okay. Today, the number of new cases is a single digit. So that's all very good news.
However, I'm still very wary.
My country doesn't do mass testing. Instead they do targeted testing. So if there's a hidden cluster or infection, we wouldn't really know.
So until the vaccine or a real cure is out, I really wouldn't consider it done.
I know that I sound a little crazy. Maybe even paranoid.
But well, I want to live. And so I don't find that crazy at all.
To be honest, when the lockdown first begun, I had less issues being out. Because of the lockdown, people stayed home. Only essential workers were out. So there were so little people out, social distancing was very possible.
But now, with my country reopening many private sectors, I'm more worried. Because more people will be out and that makes it harder for social distancing. Hence, make it hard to stay safe.
I'm not saying I won't go out at all and be a hermit. I will go out......occasionally.
Not only that, I'm certainly not used to the new norm. Checking into each place. Waiting in line. It's really a lot more troublesome.
So it's still really better to stay home.
But yea, that's my experience.
Anyway, take care everyone and stay safe!