Drama, drama, drama...
High School has loads of drama.. Never ending drama. Heck, life's dramatic. " All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages. " -William Shakespeare- 1. Newspaper drama. My school had a collecting newspaper competition and laid a $100 as the grand prize. MY class, 5 Opal wanted the money so immediately, we got newspapers to compete. Soon, we were WINNING and we were all happy. I guess that the the first class, 5 Agate didn't like that. So they started piling up newspaper. MY class thought we were gonna lose and we were sad...BUT we continued to pile newspapers to win. However, my assistant monitress, S, realise that 5 Agate was cheating. GASP. Yea, they kinda were. They were double and triple entrying the amount of newspapers they had. But because we had no proof. We shut up. THEN, *insert drumrolls* they were caught cheating. 5 Agate ...