First month
Well, it's almost the end of the first month of my new job. How do I feel about it? As usual, I'm a little worried. The department that they assigned me to sounds very technical and that worries me. I never saw myself as a very technical person. I worry that it might not fit me. But long term wise, this is a good career move because this job will allow me to have experience in where I want to have experience in so it's a good thing. But then again, I haven't started in my home department. And I can only really start to feel it out once I actually start the job. Right now, I am still in the honeymoon phase of the new job because this is a programme. So they will be rotating me. Currently, I am in the branch in order to experience and understand how this business works. By being in the branch, we will be able to see firsthand how the business work in the front lines. So when we get sent back to the headquarters, we would better understand the processes and...